Most Important Tips For Buying A Plot
Hello friends,
Today we will see how your plot should be for building a house, that means at which places you should take a plot and at which places you should not take it because,
The very first and most important step in building a house is to buy a new plot for house construction at the right place, some People buy a plot to create a new home and some people buy a plot for investment.
Whatever the purpose of buying a plot, its right place, and location are very important for the plot. So today, we will understand in detail what are the things that we should keep in mind before buying or purchasing a plot. I will tell you 25 such important things You must keep in mind before buying or purchasing a plot.
let’s start
1). Decent Society

Whenever you buy a plot, the first thing is that you should always buy the plot in a good colony and society. I am saying this because when you buy a plot and build a house in a good society, you get good neighbours there, you and your children get a good environment to live there, and when your children get a good society. If so, then they always move forward in life, so the first thing you should keep in mind is that whenever you build your house, it should always be built in a good society.
2). Shape and size of plot

Whenever you want to buy a plot, it should be a square or rectangular shape. Never take a plot that is crooked or has cut corners as you see, such a plot is called a badgunia plot, These plots all sides are not the same, so we never buy such plots,
The first reason is that such plots are not good as per Vaastu, secondly in these plots our planning is not done properly and lots of our space gets wasted in correcting the badgunia of these plots. Thirdly, there are many problems in the construction of these types of plots and lots of our money gets wasted.
The resale value of these plots is also very low. No one wants to purchase these types of plots quickly. So, while buying a plot you should always keep in mind the shape and size of the plot and always choose a rectangular and square plot.
3). Tree & Factory

You should always keep in mind, that there should not be any big trees in front of your plot and there should not be any factories around the plot. Otherwise, you will have to live in a lot of noise and pollution, so you have to take special care of this.
4). Connectivity
While buying a plot you have to see the connectivity of the road like what transport facilities are there. Wherever you buy a plot, it should not be more than 500 to 600 meters away from the road. The plots which are near the road developed quickly.

Road, light, and sewerage work is done more quickly there. New houses are built quickly there, and the plots that are away from the road do not develop so quickly.
Secondly, if your house is near the road, then it will be easier for you and your children to travel to and from school. It will be easy for you to get delivery of any goods at your home and it will be easy for your guests or visitors to visit. That’s why you should always remember and take your plot near the road.
5). Plot Depth
It is also a very important point to keep in mind while buying a plot, you have to take special care that your plot should not be much below the road level and your plot should not be in a deep pit. If it is 2 feet or 3 feet below then there is no problem but if it is more than 3 feet below then you should never buy such a plot.

Because if a house is built in such a plot then it will be below the road and you will face problems during rainy days. And secondly, if you make your plinth level higher than the road level, then you will have to fill a lot of soil in it. You will spend a lot of money and in today’s time, soil filling is not so easy. So keep this in mind and your plot should not be more than 3 feet below the road level.
6). Ground water table and type of soil

Where you are purchasing the plot, also see the water level and soil condition there, It should not be clay or black soil. Because the stability of such soil is very low footing, the foundation has to be planned accordingly, which costs more. So keep these things in mind also.
7). Zone
There are three types of zones
I). Yellow zone
ii). Green zone and
iii). Red zone
I). Yellow zone
The yellow zone is for residential houses. You can build your house on the plot falling in this zone.
ii). Green zone.
This zone is of agricultural land. You can only do farming work on the land falling in the green zone. You cannot build a house in this zone.
iii). Red zone
This zone is for public buildings. All types of hospitals, government buildings, temples, etc. are built in this red zone.
So you have to keep this in mind while buying a plot. Your plot should always be in the yellow zone and should be in the non-agricultural category of NA.
8). Road Width

There should be a good and narrow road in front of your plot or house. The road must be at least 20 feet, because if 20 feet road is not available in front of your house then you will always face a lot of difficulty in crossing and parking the vehicle etc. If you are getting a road more than 20 feet wide in front of your plot, then it would be a very good thing. So take special care of this and if the road width is less than 20 feet then do not buy a plot there at all.
9). Facility
Where you are buying a plot, also keep in mind what facilities are there like electricity and water supply, sewerage facilities, etc. Which is our basic need? If you have all these facilities then it is very good. The value of your house and plot keeps increasing day by day, so you should take special care of this also.
10). Essential Services

While buying a plot, you should also keep in mind the facilities near the plot, like According to me I understand that there should be a hospital at a maximum distance of 15 to 20 minutes from my plot, It should be within a radius of 10 to 15 kilo meters from my residence because it is very important and no one never knows when one will need it. Apart from this, roads, markets, the children’s school, etc. should also be close or near to the plot, so these are some essential services, buy the plot only after thinking about it.
11). Plotting on Natural Ground
While purchasing a plot, you should also ensure whether your plotting has been done above natural ground level or not.

Let us understand it in easier language. See, many times plotting is done at a place where the ground is in a pit, like the ground near a pond, etc. To save money, dealers often fill such lands with garbage instead of soil and sell them.So, first of all, you should always have to go down to the solid ground for the foundation of your house. And many times this garbage is filled up to 8 to 10 feet, so our time and money are wasted in going down so much.
Second, if we build our houses on top of the garbage, such houses collapse even in a small earthquake, so keep this in mind and never buy a plot in which the plotting has been done by filling garbage.
12). Document
You must verify the land title search report and property title of the plot before purchasing it. The property title tells you whether the person selling the plot to you is the real owner of the property or not. Does he have the right to sell the plot to him or not?
From the land title search report, you get to know the complete history of the plot or property, like who was the owner at the time when the plotting was done and in what manner it come to the current owner through sale and transfer.

Land title search reports give all information on whether any loan is going on or has been taken on this property or whether any government stay has been imposed on it, you can get information about all these things through land title search reports. So before purchasing the plot, you must verify the property title of the plot and its land title search report.
13). Floor Spacing Index
Before buying a plot, you should also know about the Floor spacing index (F.S.I) of the plot. This will let you know in total size of the plot, how much area you can use to build a house, and how much space you will have to leave. This will depend on the floor spacing index. Let it happen that you take a plot of 100 Sq. yards as per your need and you can build a house only 60 to 70 Sq. yards and your house becomes small, hence, think about the FSI of the plot as well. Before buying the plot.
14). Plot Size and Dimensions
Now this point is also very important what size and dimension plots you should buy and what size and dimension plots you should not buy, According to the size and dimensions of the plot, you can decide how well you can plan it. And what will be the resale value of the plot? You should always buy medium-sized plots, i.e. plots whose depths are 45 feet, 50 feet, and 60 feet and whose width is 20 feet, 30 feet, and 40 feet. You should always buy plots of given dimensions.

So that it can planned well. The house can be built well, there should not be much wastage of space and vaastu Shastra can also be followed properly.
For example, you can take a plot of 20 by 45 feet, you can take a plot of 25 by 50 feet or 30 by 50 feet and you can take a plot of 30 by 60 feet. These are ideal plot sizes. And a good house can be built in all these sizes.
Now, what size plot should you avoid?
If the size of the plot is 30 by 80, its front is less and the depth is more, you should not buy a plot of this size. These plots are also easily available. Second, if the plot is 15 by 60 feet and 20 by 70 feet then you should also not buy such types of plots. It will look like a railway compartment. A good house can never be built in these plots, so you should take special care of this before purchasing the plot.
15). Plot facing and direction
Plot facing and direction also matter a lot. Before buying the plot, you should always consider the right face and direction of the plot. Today every person always likes to buy a plot having three facing East, North, and West and no one likes to buy a South facing plot in which priority is given to the plot having an East direction. Second, plots in the North direction, and third, if East and north-facing are not available then west-facing plots. East and north facing are considered very well as per Vastu.

According to Vaastu, they are very good at planning and their demand and resale value are also very high. But the south-facing plot is not considered auspicious and its demand and resale value are also low. Therefore, whenever you look at a plot, always buy North, East, and North East corner-facing plots. You should also pay special attention to this. Â
16). Building construction materials

You should also see at what distance from your plot you will get the materials required for building your house like bricks, mortar, Rodi, cement, and steel bars so that our transportation costs do not increase because if the building materials available are too far from your plot then your transportation cost will be higher, due to which your house cost will be expensive. Therefore, you must keep this in mind before purchasing a plot.
17). Legality and Controversy
You must always keep in mind whether whatever plot you are buying, is legal or not, whether it is in the approved colony or not, and whether it will have a permanent registry or a power of attorney. For this, you should try to get information from the people living nearby that there are no disputes of any kind on this plot, then you need to know this. Before buying any plot.
18). Possession
If you buy any plot then you must take possession of the plot, for this you must build a boundary wall around the plot. This makes it clear to you that there is no any kind of dispute on this. Because most people buy a plot and leave it as it is, which is wrong, you have to take possession of the plot after purchasing it, and so you should be especially careful about this.

19). If you are purchasing the plot for investment purposes, then keep in mind that it should be properly planned because many times the dealers show you the entire plot and tell you, that this is your plot space. Without giving proper dimensions, there would be a lot of difficulty in taking possession later, so you should take special care of this also.
20). There should not be any river or pond in or around your plot. It is better if there is an open garden or open space in front of your plot. Â
21). There should not be any kind of old ruins, old wells, tube wells, or boring near or around your plot.
22). There should not be any Graveyards and cremation grounds in or around your plot.

23). There should not be any kind of railway track near your plot. Otherwise, your life will become difficult because whenever a train passes by a track, it will disturb you. Its noise will spoil your children’s education and disturb your lifestyle.

24). you should always buy the plot through a good property dealer and broker. They take 1 or 2% commission from you, but they are very helpful in getting you a good property. Otherwise, you may get fraud in buying property.
25). Loan

According to me, this point is very important, you must take a small loan to buy a plot, even if you do not need it, definitely take a small loan to buy a plot, because this will check the legality and genuineness of the plot. Because the bank will verify the plot very well before giving the loan. You won’t be able to check in such a good way, then it is necessary to take a small loan. As per RBI guidelines, you can pay your loan anytime.
So before buying any plot, you must pay attention to all these things. I hope the given information is useful for all the common man who dreams of buying a plot and building his own house on it. if you have any doubts or queries about your plot purchasing then you can directly message us on our Instagram and WhatsApp group. So thank you very much for staying in the post.
Goodbye and have a nice day.
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